Hey, how are you? :)
I'm Monica Llop, a communicative and creative soul from the dazzling Valencia who sees the world throught the eyes of an art director, photographer and journalist. Design thinking is my philosophy of life.

After finishing my degree program in Journalism (University of Valencia, 2013),
I studied an art photography course at Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Finland, 2013) and a year-long photography course in Blank Paper academy (Valencia, 2014). Soon thereafter, I completed my studies with a Master in Art Direction at University School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona ELISAVA (Barcelona, 2016), among many other courses.

Since 2010, I have been working with film and media companies, creative studios and communication departments. Some of these companies are Sony Music Spain, La Sexta, ELISAVA, À Punt Media, Famosa, Suica Films, Nakamura Films or Lof Media. I work in different disciplines such as writing, audiovisual communication, design and fashion for social transformation.

If you want to use innovation and creativity to improve this society, I have several ideas. Reach me: hola@monicallop.com

Al habla con Mònica Llop / Rafa Rodríguez, VERLANGA
Protagonistes, NTC / À PUNT MÈDIA
Qüestionari lector, Va de Llibres / LEVANTE-EMV
¿Quien pulsa el disparador en la fotografía musical? / Lidia Caro, VALENCIA PLAZA
Els #TopsValencians / TIRANT.ORG
Adolescent Member Crush / ADOLESCENT

Carmencita Film Lab
Harpo Magazine
Lamono Magazine
Mauer mag
Emc Magazine

2021 #CulturaOnline, CCCC, València
2018 emac.fest, Centre de Cultura La Mercé, Borriana
2016 30x30 Railowsky Underground, Biblioteca Joanot Martorell, València

2022 Nominació a Millor Disseny als XVII Premis Ovidi Montllor per Present d' el Diluvi.
2021 Guardó al Millor Disseny als Premis Ovidi Montllor pel vinil Jo i el món de Joe Pask.
2021 Nominació a Millor disseny als IV Premis Carles Santos per Jo i el món de Joe Pask.
2020 Guardó al Millor Videoclip als Premis Ovidi Montllor per ‘Passatgers’ de Gem.
2019 Nominació a Millor Disseny als Premis Ovidi Montllor pel disc Junteu- vos d’el Diluvi.